Be SunSmart ☀️ Tips from Health Leader James Wilson
5 March 2021
Written by Health Leader James Wilson
Sunny days are here so remember to be SunSmart.
Wear a hat ?, Slop on some sunblock ?, Put on your sunglasses ? or stay in the shade
Remember you can get burnt even on a cloudy day in New Zealand ☁️. It’s also a good idea to get your moles checked.
There’s some great advice at www.SunSmart.org.nz see how I’ve used their sun safety tips below!

Slop on plenty of sunscreen of at least SPF 30. Apply 20 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours and especially after being in the water or sweating.
Slap on a hat. More people are sunburnt on the face or neck than any other part of the body.
Slip on a shirt with long sleeves.
Wrap on sunglasses that protect against UV radiation.