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A little reminder from our Special Olympics NZ community

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Kia ora ?

This is a little reminder…

(if you’re feeling like you’re alone)

Shanae Dean (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete) and Hamish, cute dog.

….that we are all still here.

Chrissa Pearce (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete) exercising using the Wii.

Michelle Carney (Special Olympics Great Britain CEO) and Carolyn Young (Special Olympics New Zealand CEO) in a virtual high-five.

Ryan Smith (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete) out for a walk.

And we are all in the same boat!

Adele Adams (Special Olympics New Zealand Volunteer) doing a Facebook rendition of Baby Shark with NZ sign language.

Jacob Dombroski (long-time Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete and supporter) training at home.

Grace Payne (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete) on her exercise bike.

Special Olympics New Zealand staff having a zoom hui.

Even when we’re not at training…

Jeremy Price (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete) sheering a sheep.

…or an event.

Special Olympics Counties sharing event memories on Facebook.

We are all here for you.

The Special Olympics New Zealand community giving James Wilson (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete) massive props.

A happy cross-stitch made by Melissa Donoghue (Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete).

Reassurance from Special Olympics Whanganui Volunteers to Athletes.

And don’t worry.

Soon enough, we will all be together again in person.


#SONZPositivity #SOKind

From the Special Olympics New Zealand community ?


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