200 Days to Go until the NSG!
Hear about our upcoming celebration for our 200 Days to Go milestone for the National Summer Games and a Club Challenge with $1500 in prizes!

Young Athletes returns to Welly
Get excited about the Young Athletes Programme’s return to Wellington and see highlights from our Term 1 programmes!

April Club Highlights!
Whether at home, at training or at some of the first competitions of the year, see our favourite club highlights from April.

Call for Inclusive Health
Special Olympics communities around the world came together in April to promote better access to healthcare for everyone with an intellectual disability.

Coaches Corner
Gary Peacham talks about the upcoming Level 3 Sports Specific Coaching course for SONZ coaches.
Message from the CEO
6 May 2022
Carolyn Young, Chief Executive
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome back to Orange, I hope that clubs and athletes are feeling more confident about getting back together for training and competition. We continue to monitor the environment and work with you all to ensure the welfare of our communities. It has been a challenging few months, and although the step down in the traffic light system is welcomed, it is still important for us to continue to follow the recommended key health protocols:
- Wearing appropriate face masks wherever possible
- Practising good hand sanitation
- Social distancing and training outdoors wherever possible
- Staying home if you are unwell
Sunday 22 May will mark 200 Days to Go until the opening ceremony for the Freemasons NZ Special Olympics National Summer Games and we are marking the day with a celebration! In addition, we have a Club Challenge with $1500 up for grabs for winning clubs! We are looking forward to sharing more stories of our athletes and volunteers and their journey to the Games. Please contact Zoe at comms@specialolympics.org.nz if you have any story ideas from your club.
We are excited to announce the Young Athletes Programme (YAP) is coming to Wellington, thanks to the support of Sport New Zealand. Read our article on our Term 1 YAPs highlights and hear from new YAPs Lead Amanda on what she’s excited to bring to the Wellington programme. As we know, early intervention is critically important for our athletes, so this is a big breakthrough to be able to support our Tamariki.
We are fundraising at the 2022 Auckland Marathon in October, you or anyone you know can sign up now to run for us and support Special Olympics NZ.
Thank you to everyone that joined us last night at our AGM, visit our website for a copy of our 2021 Annual Report.
Hurihia tō aroaro ki te rā tukuna tō ātārangi kia taka ki muri i a koe
Turn and face the sun and let your shadow fall behind you