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10 years with Special Olympics New Zealand

By Grace Payne, Special Olympics New Zealand Athlete

This year marks me being with Special Olympics for 10 years!! 😊🎉

Who would’ve knew 10 years can go so fast? 🤷‍♀️

You know what they say…. time flies when you are having fun, and I definitely wouldn’t have it any other way 😁🙌

These pics only show a glimpse of what I have done in the years like competing in sports, competing internationally, being an athlete leader, attending conferences and speeches, spreading awareness and (hopefully) being a positive role model to others 😊💕

With Special Olympics I’ve grown confidence and grown as a person, met loads of people and made lots of lifelong friends.

I love what I do but I have still got a lot to learn and do 👌 Thank you Special Olympics New Zealand for changing my life for the better! 💓

10 years down, many many many more to go! 😊🥰🦋


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