Zoom is a great tool for holding a Special Olympics hui (meeting) when we can’t catch up in the same room.
You can set up your own Zoom account if you like. Just go to the sign up page: https://zoom.us/signup and follow the instructions
Or we can set up your hui for you! Just get in touch with your local Regional Sports Coordinator who will sort it all out using the Special Olympics New Zealand account.
Tips and Tricks
- You can download the Zoom app to your phone or computer.
- You don’t have to get the app to use Zoom, as it will work in your internet browser.
- You don’t have to use video either — you can just use audio if you prefer.
- When you’re invited to a Zoom hui, you will receive a link in an email. The link will look something like this: https://zoom.us./a/1234567?
- Click the link when your hui is about to begin and you’ll automatically join other hui participants.
- If you’re the hui organiser, you’ll need to log in to allow everyone else to join.
Check out the video below for full details on how to join a Zoom hui (meeting)
This video has subtitles available. Click the CC button in the video’s controls to turn them on.
If you’re keen to learn even more, there are lots more Zoom video tutorials available, or you can even take part in their free training.
Video meeting best practice
- Have a practice before taking part in important meetings. Make sure the technology works and is accessible to everyone​.
- Follow an organised line up and make sure each person has a chance to respond.
- Use a quiet space and minimise background noise as much as possible.
- Use the mute button when you aren’t speaking so others aren’t interrupted by background noise at your end.
- If you are using the camera, be camera ready before joining the call.
- Perhaps have meeting norms and expectations shared with the agenda so behaviours are reinforced.
- Come up with techniques for voting e.g. use comments or thumbs up/down.
- Don’t be put off, keep trying as practice makes perfect!
- Check in that everyone is part of the meeting, don’t get to the end and find someone could not hear, see or have input.